NEW Economy & Corrections
Shift Happens
Someone forwarded me this video called "Shift Happens" put
together by an unknown on youtube. It describes exactly where we
are headed in the globalization and information age. Talk about
eye opening. You'll immediately want to forward the link to 5
co-workers and maybe even your kids. Course it's set to great
Scottish Highlander music which doesn't hurt, but it will
completely floor you. I wonder how this will impact the
corrections workforce in 10 years?
see post with video |

Contraband Control in Prison
by Tracy E. Barnhart
I have seen a consensus all across the country about institutional contraband and the desire to stop it. Especially stopping the introduction of cellular telephones being difficult to trace. You will never totally eliminate the contraband unless you automate personnel at your facilities with robots and totally take away the human factor. As long as there are people to bewilder, manipulate and intimidate there will always be contraband.
full story
featured job
Armed Guard - Presidio, CA
Doyon Security Services (DSS) Security Guard enforces regulations designed to prevent breaches of security. Exercises judgment and use discretion in dealing with whether first response should be to intervene directly (asking for assistance when deemed necessary and time allows), to keep situation under surveillance, or to report situation so that it can be handled by appropriate authority. full job posting
- May: Wellness
- June: Minority issues
- July: Women in Corrections
Mandated CPR On Inmates: Good Or Not So Good?
Frank11Echo: Ohio DRC has recently mandated that CO’s learn CPR. They are also mandating CO’s perform CPR on inmates if the situation warrants. Is this good or not? Several CO’s where I work say they will NOT perform CPR on an inmate, regardless of the consequences. Other states already have a CPR mandate in place and have accepted it as a job requirement, but it seems that it’s always difficult to get the rank and file to accept ANYTHING new. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
full thread
biz news
- IACTP Call for Presentations
March 16 - April 30, 2009
When coming to this year’s conference [October 25th through October 28, 2009] don’t just plan on sitting through the workshops because this is your opportunity to share your knowledge with your peers.
- Women in Criminal Justice Conference
April 14-19, 2009
The conference is for women at all levels working in all aspects of the criminal justice field.
- American Jail Association 28th Annual Training Conference and Jail Expo
April 26-30, 2009
The Louisville Metro Department
of Corrections and the Kentucky Jailer's Association are proud to be the co-hosts for this year's conference in in Louisville, Ky.
- Hepatitis B & C with HIV Co-infection (live webcast)
April 29, 2009
The Management of HIV/ AIDS in the Correctional & Community Setting is an on-going satellite videoconference, and webcast series designed to address clinical issues in the management of HIV-infected patients
- Experience the Riot @ The Mock Prison Riot
May 3-6, 2009
The National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and the West Virginia High Technology Consortium Foundation host the Mock Prison Riot on the grounds of the former West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville, West Virginia.
- Desert Waters Correctional Outreach Staff Wellness through Positive Leadership Conference
May 7-8, 2009
This conference will provide criminal justice professionals with evidence-based strategies that boost staff wellness, morale and performance
interactive pocket calendar
quote of the week
"Everything that can be invented has been invented."
- Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899