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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

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Tell It Like It Is

Worst-Case Scenario "Deadly Force"

by Tracy E. Barnhart

There is an understandable reluctance by corrections officers to use deadly force. Officers are not evil people and they do not want to harm or kill anyone. full story


BOP Clothing Allowance:

COCSWarner: I have recently applied for the FBOP. Anyone out there work for the Bureau or have?
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Dealing With Corrections' Storms

By Joe Bouchard

Early and accurate forecasting of tumultuous weather gives us the opportunity to mitigate damage. We can, in other words, execute our version of battening down the hatches.
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  • June: From the Inside – Stories from Agency news letters [PIO’s please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Sr. Substance Abuse Counselor - Texas - Reeves County Detention Center

Within the Education & Programming Department of the Reeves County Detention Center and under general direction (with extensive latitude for individual judgment) of the Programs Manager, the Sr. Substance Abuse Counselor is responsible for providing complex high quality drug and alcohol counseling and educational services to inmates housed at the facility. This position will also coordinate with other departments, divisions, agencies, and community organizations to ensure maximum utilization of resources for chemical dependency treatment and rehabilitation.

full job posting


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quote of the week

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. "
- C.S. Lewis


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