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The Three C's (Computers, Crime and Corrections)
A Primer on Criminal Association in Cyberspace
SNS are used by offenders in much the same way as the general public, i.e. to communicate and maintain contact with friends and relatives and to make new contacts who share similar interests. However, when supervised offenders have contact with other offenders via a SNS, they are violating their association condition.
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Medics as CO's??
tacmedic: Other than the tactical teams do any facilities use EMT’s/Medics on a regular basis?
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Flavor of the Month
By Caterina Spinaris Tudor, Ph.D.
I was doing a training recently when the subject of divorce in corrections came up. I could almost feel the pain in the room pouring out of people’s hearts. When later on I received this article, submitted to me by a female corrections officer (who gave me permission to reprint it anonymously), I knew I had to share it with as many people in corrections as I could.
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- March – Security/Technology – New technology, conferences, managing gangs/threat groups [Please send your articles/stories to]
featured job
Correctional Facility & Work Camp Superintendent – Residential Re-Entry – St. Johnsbury Vermont – Vermont Department of Corrections
The Vermont Department of Corrections seeks a seasoned, proven leader challenged to manage the Northeast Regional Correctional Facility and the Caledonia Work Camp located in St. Johnsbury Vermont. The Northeast Regional Correctional Facility is a 130 bed medium-security regional facility, housing pre-trial detentioners and sentenced adult males, and providing temporary housing of male and female intakes, as well as public inebriates.
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quote of the week
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
- Oscar Wilde