Which cell extraction methods work best?
SJ: My SERT uses a base three man stack with a restraint control officer outside the cell. My department has minimum distances for our less than lethal munitions, so my shotgunner or 40mm officers take up positions out side of those minimum distances.
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 Holidays Are Dangerous Times Within Correctional FacilitiesBy William Sturgeon
The holiday season in prisons and jails is a dangerous time. In this article we will take a look at the types of dangerous situations that come along with the holidays.
During the holiday season the offender population becomes antsy, angry, sad, and remorseful along with every other emotion one can think of…. .
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- December – Ethics and Heroes – Coverage of Ethics issues and stories of heroes in corrections [Please send your articles/stories to]
featured job
Superintendent, Victor Cullen Center – Dept. of Juvenile Services – Maryland
This position oversees the daily administration, management and overall operation of the Victor Cullen Center, a juvenile facility providing treatment and rehabilitation to adjudicated male youth.
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quote of the week
"You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need."
- Vernon Howard