Why???>>what's your opinion?
Sitting in training today, discussing Use of Force, and a co worker of mine says, ‘What? You think I actually pay attention to this s#@t? This is just a job.’ So I tactfully (it took A LOT to be tactful) told him, ‘I really hope you aren’t on my shift, because it would scare the hell out of me to have to rely on you for backup. You are going to get someone hurt, including probably yourself. If you can’t give 100% to this you need to go somewhere else. It takes a better person to admit they can’t, or won’t, do the job than to be the type of person who only sees this as something to pay the bills. Go back to Walmart, that attitude won’t get anyone hurt there.’
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 Mental Health Issues in County Corrections vs State Prisons By Joe W. Hatcher, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, and Shauna Pichette A major change in the inmate population over the last twenty years is that they are now much more likely to be mentally ill (see the PBS video The New Asylums for an overview). County correctional populations are also affected by this change, with some reports indicating that mental illness rates in county jails have increased by over 50% in the last five years (Hirschkorn & Mitchell, 2011; Wiener, 2012). In fact, some reports suggest that county correctional populations now carry more symptoms of mental illness than do state correctional populations.
How does the mental health environment for county corrections differ from that of larger state institutions?
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Also this week:
- August – Off the Clock – What practitioners do in their leisure time [Please send your articles/stories to]
featured job
Assessment & ReEntry Case Manager - Spectrum Health Systems - Maine
The Case Manager is responsible for the coordination of reentry plans for inmates returning to the community. This position also provides follow-up monitoring and case management support for 3 to 6 months post-release.
The Case Manager works closely with Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) staff to coordinate linkages and referrals to community providers for employment opportunities, treatment services and access to other community, faith-based and state supports in the areas of housing, education, training and reentry support activities.
This position also provides some programming utilizing standardized curriculum.
Qualifications: Experience in providing re-integration planning and/or case management experience preferred. Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, Human Services, Education, Counseling or closely related field preferred; relevant experience and demonstrated ability to perform the essential duties of the position may be substituted for education preferences.
full job posting
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quote of the week
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure . . . than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
- Theodore Roosevelt