Contraband Bust>>what's your opinion?
I love when the inmates call their homes when they do not get what they want and mammy calls the prison and talks to some higher up who clearly knows better and then he gets what ever the hell he wants.
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 Beating The Odds By Kevin E. Bedore , Canadian Federal Correctional Officer
We face some of the ugliest statistics of mortality as correctional officers. Perhaps you have seen these, they are fairly commonly cited online in other articles, but just in case you need a reality check here it is:
- Correctional Officers (CO’s) have the second highest mortality rate of any occupation.
- 33.5% of all assaults in prisons and jails are committed by inmates against staff.
- A CO’s 58th birthday, on average, is their last.
- A CO will be seriously assaulted at least twice in a 20 year career.
- On average a CO will live only 18 months after retirement.
- CO’s have a 39% higher suicide rate than any other occupation,
- ...
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Also this week:
- September – Food and Agriculture – Coverage of Food Service issues and Agriculture in corrections [Please send your articles/stories to]
featured job
Warden - Monmouth County Correctional Institution (MCCI) - Freehold, New Jersey
The Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Warden for the Monmouth County Correctional Institution (MCCI) located in Freehold, New Jersey.
The Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office is a nationally accredited organization in all areas of operation. MCCI is accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA) and the National Commission of Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), as well as passing annual inspections by the State of New Jersey DOC, ICE and the US Marshal Service. The institution employs 336 sworn uniformed, and 42 other professional and support personnel.
The Monmouth County Correctional Institution is a 1,328 bed capacity direct supervision facility that houses minimum to maximum objectively classified inmates/detainees. The Monmouth County Correctional Institution houses various categories and classifications of offenders, including pre-trail detainees, County sentenced inmates, State sentenced inmates awaiting transportation and individuals being detained under contractual agreement with U.S. Marshal’s Service and Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). ...
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quote of the week
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with the success unexpected in common hours."
- Henry David Thoreau