Best way to handle unruly inmate>>what's your opinion?
Then he will want a mop and chemicals. When you give him the mop and chemicals he will drink them to try and get high then try to assault you with the broom handle then want a lawyer to sue you. You give him a lawyer he will want an attorney client visit....
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 How to Reduce Prison CostsJohn Dewar Gleissner
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy. Prisons used to make profits in a number of different states. One penitentiary in New York made profits four times greater than the costs of running the prison. But that was over 100 years ago. Since that time, federal and state statutes squashed prison industries. Businesses and free labor did not appreciate and could not compete with industries behind bars, so those special interests worked to ban interstate shipment or sale of convict-made goods...
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- June – Minority issues – Challenges of managing minority populations, challenges minority practitioners face]
featured job
Detention Cadet
Job Title: Deputy Sheriff - Detention Cadet; Opening Date/Time: Weds 4/2/2014 12:00 AM Central Time; Closing Date/Time: Continuous; Salary: $2,533.00/Month(Academy); Job Type: Full-time Regular; Location: Bexar County Sheriff's Office - 200 North Comal Street San Antonio, Texas; Department: Bexar County Sheriff's Office ...
full job posting
- Jun 11-14, 2014 – 2014 MASCA 76th Annual Conference - Washington, D.C.
- Jun 21-25, 2014 – National Sheriff's Association Annual Conference and Exhibition - Fort Worth, TX
- Jul 18-19, 2014 – Correctional Health Care Leadership Institutes - Denver, CO
- Jul 20-21, 2014 – Correctional Mental Health Care Conference - Denver, CO
- Aug 03-06, 2014 – American Probation and Parole Association's 39th Annual Training Institute - New Orleans, LA
- Oct 09-10, 2014 – Breakthrough Strategies to Teach and Counsel Troubled and ncarcerated Youth
- Portland, OR
- Oct 18-22, 2014 – National Conference on Correctional Health Care - Las Vegas, NV
biz news
quote of the week
" An unexamined life is not worth living. "
– Socrates