blogosphere Suggestions required...>>what's your opinion?
Hi all.. I am thinking to do a first aid training course in Rescue 7 in Toronto. We will be shifting to the US after 3 months. The institute is providing different first aid training courses I would like to know which one has more job opportunities in the US. Is it difficult to get jobs in the US if I do the course in Canada?...
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featured  Health & WellnessCaterina Spinaris
A study of correctional officers, which was reported in 2014 by Sam Houston University’s Correctional Management Institute of Texas, concluded that work-related demands and tensions were among factors that adversely affected the officers’ work-home life balance. When the emotional fallout of work-related tensions follows corrections staff home, and when that happens often, staff are likely to react to their loved ones in destructive ways...
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Also this week:
featured job
Correctional Sergeant
Investigates disciplinary reports. Performs weekly security inspections. Provides assistance to Correctional Lieutenants. Assigns work of inmates and staff to maintain sanitation and security or complete work in a specific institutional area. Takes required action during emergencies to prevent escapes and suppress disorders. Oversees inmates/patients inside and outside of the institution. Searches inmate's/patient's person, mail and quarters for contraband. Oversees work or recreational activities. Oversees inmates/patients during bathing and meals...
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quote of the week
"Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered - either by themselves or by others."
– Mark Twain